Game InformationAvailable on: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
ESRB: E for Everyone PC Release Date: October 13, 2009 Release MSRP: $19.99 USD Current MSRP: $14.99 USD Number of Discs: 2 Game Abbreviation: WAC Game Color Code: E96550 Inspired by/Based on: Nancy Drew Mystery Stories Digest Paperback #158: The Curse of the Black Cat |
Game SpecsPC System Requirements:
Izzy Romero
The Queen Bee herself, Izzy is at the top of the social ladder. She’s the student body president and the life of the party. Keeping her crown as the queen of the school is no easy feat though. Is she resorting to scare tactics to keep everyone else from threatening her position at the top?
Mel Corbalis
A self-professed outcast and a recluse, Mel spends most of her time disliking the social cliques in school and practicing her cello. She was automatically accepted because she comes from a long line of alumnae, but she doesn’t really want to attend Waverly. Would she send threats to the other girls to bring down the social ladder
Leela Yadev
Leela is the all-star athlete, who is as fierce at competing academically as she is on the soccer field. With the race for valedictorian heating up and the contenders so close in rank, would Leela’s need to win at all costs drive her to make drastic plans to gain the competitive edge?
Corine Myers
Although Corine may be the smartest of the valedictorian candidates, she doesn’t really fit in with the group. The other girls think she tries too hard to be popular and don’t include her in their parties. If Corine can’t join the ‘in-crowd’, then maybe she can get their attention in other ways…
Rachel Hubbard
Three weeks ago, Rachel nearly had the title for valedictorian in the bag, but then she failed a test! In order for her to regain the lead, all of the other girls would also need to fail a test or paper. Scaring the other girls with threatening notes from the Black Cat would certainly distract them from their studies…
Episode 1 - The New Girl
Episode 2 - Welcome to Waverly
Episode 3 - The Good Ole Hockey Game
Episode 4 - Being a Biologist
Episode 5 - I Can't Believe She Went All Postal Like That!
Episode 6 - I said SCRAM!
Episode 7 - Hey, Roomie!
Episode 8 - Who's Who?
Episode 9 - Nancy Drew and the Plagiarized Paper
Episode 10 - And the Plagiarist Was...
Episode 11 - Illuminati... Confirmed
Episode 12 - The First Note
Episode 13 - Acknowledge Us! RACHEL!!
Episode 14 - Paige, the Hall Monitor
Episode 15 - Don't Shoot the Messenger!
Episode 16 - Corine's Essay
Episode 17 - The End