Hello fellow sleuths! I'm not going to lie, life has been incredibly hectic lately! I hope everyone is well! I feel bad that I haven't been as active on YouTube and the website as I had planned. Life has thrown me curveballs (both good and bad), and I've had very little time to sit down and put energy towards this channel. And, to be perfectly honest, my interest in Nancy Drew hasn't been as strong lately as it usually is. For me, this is a very normal thing. I go through phases of interests and Nancy Drew just isn't at the top of the list right now. My motivation for projects is elsewhere and I feel I need to put energy towards other things and give Nancy a bit more of a break.
Another reason for this lack of motivation is the lack of content from HeR Interactive. They haven't mentioned anything about a potential new game, but what else is new? However, just because I'm not actively making content doesn't mean I'm not in the community. I continue to follow multiple Nancy Drew community channels as well as try and make it to as many of StoryRetold's livestreams. Unfortunately, that's about where my activity ends. All that aside, I want to discuss something that I've been watching lately. On Disney+ (in Canada, at least. Not sure about the rest of the world), the new Hardy Boys TV show has been available to stream. I'm currently on episode 10 of season 1 and am mostly enjoying it. While there are certain aspects that I'm not a fan of, the show does get one big thing right: it captures the essence of a Hardy Boys book. What I mean by that is it does a good job with the pacing of events, level of mystery, and various activities the brothers go on to solve the mystery. However, I think it would've done better as a shorter series or a movie series rather than a long show where they can really drag some things out. There's tons of unnecessary content, but all that aside I am enjoying it. Have you seen it yet? If so, what do you think of it? Next week, I will be a guest on a Nancy Drew podcast! No spoilers, though! You'll just have to wait and see which one and what the subject matter will be! I'm very excited about it! Also, how on earth is it already mid-July? Where does the time go? I hope this month has treated y'all well so far and that as the temperatures get hotter, you can stay cool and avoid the fire season! I know it's already getting gnarly here in British Columbia, so we'll have to see how the rest of the summer fares! I hope to continue writing on the blog! I really do miss it and love making posts. I'll have to try and put more effort towards it. That about wraps up today's post. Until next time, detectives! Huw
7/15/2022 07:46:24 pm
The phases of interest make total sense. I'm in the opposite place of you--total Nancy Drew mode. I walk to work, and I daydream of Nancy Drew. I'm at work, and wonder if I can get my clients interested in ND (I have one who likes the new Hardy Boys show!). I walk home, and plan what ND game I would make if I had all the control, lol.
Huw Miller
7/15/2022 09:44:27 pm
Hey Haley! They did hire an intern who nicknamed herself Roo, and she recently finished her internship then got hired fulltime by HeR! However, she's still on the marketing team, but she had hoped to get into game design or something like that, so there's still hope!
7/16/2022 12:07:53 am
Is Roo who I'm thinking of? Maybe. I had it in my head there was someone even newer. Granted, I don't really follow what goes on at HeR anymore. I'm relatively clueless, haha.
7/18/2022 06:20:41 am
I wonder if the intern you are thinking of is Bri. I remember back in March there was a blog post written by her and it seemed like there was going to be a video blog by Bri but it’s July now and I didn’t see anywhere about a status update on the video blog.
Huw Miller
7/18/2022 07:53:32 am
Hey Amy! Ah yes, Bri must be who Haley was referring to. However, Bri was never brought on as an intern! HeR Interactive had a job posting and she got it, so as far as I know she was hired full-time from the get-go! Thank you for refreshing my memory!
7/18/2022 08:23:12 am
You might be right, Amy. It doesn't help that I have NO recollection of the individual's name, lol. Regardless of who I'm thinking of, the person hasn't seemed to have posted much, which is a shame. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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