Hey everyone! Super duper sorry I haven’t posted in forever. Live has been unbelievably hectic lately. School is almost over for the holidays (4 more days), I finished the Ghost Dogs walkthrough, HeR Interactive streamed Icicle Creek, I got a super cool package in the mail, and that’s all I can really think of at the moment.
Man, I almost forgot to write a post tonight. BUT I DIDN’T so it’s OK. Anyways, today was another chill day. The temperature is getting colder everyday. It’s supposed to get to -27°C overnight, so I might want to bundle up. Also, Christmas holidays are coming up which means more walkthroughs, later streams, and skiing.
Hey everyone! Hope the rest of your weekend went well. I didn’t do much yesterday, but today was nice. School was out today, so I got to stay home. Any three day weekend sound good to me! It’s been pretty chill today, in more ways than one, I might add. It’s -7°C here, so winter is starting to shape up, and it was just a lazy day today.
Work went well this morning. It was just myself and my boss, so it was pretty quiet. I enjoy work days like that. I was super tired this morning and was no different when I got home. My parents were running around all afternoon until around 5:30 PM getting supper ready. They are hosting a birthday supper for my uncle and a family friend. There was a lot of energy in the house tonight. As I’m writing this, they are eating their food at 7:30 PM. Nice.
It’s Friday the second today. The best part of my day was science class. My teacher said we could take it easy today, so that was awesome. I went downstairs to the wood shop and built Lego with my wood shop teacher for a solid hour and a half. That was decent. Right after that I walked downtown to my new job.
Today has been a pretty good day. It was quiet at school, sort of a lazy day for everyone, and it’s just chilly. It hasn’t snowed for a couple days, and we usually have tons of snow at this time. We don’t have more then five inches and our ski hill is supposed to open in nine days. The people who work at the resort located at the base of the hill have been making snow with the snow machines for the past week and a bit. I’m getting kind of worried that we aren’t going to have much snow.
January 2025