Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! Today is the final day of November. That means that there’s 31 days left of 2016! People claim that this has been ‘the worst year ever’. I don’t fully agree. I agree it’s been a weird one, but not the worst. Donald Trump became president, multiple celebrities passed including Prince, David Bowie, and Alan Rickman, no Nancy Drew game came out except Codes and Clues (but I don’t count that), etc.
Tuesday. Twas a good day until I woke up. I turned on my computer to find out that over night, it had been infested with malware (Counterflix, to be precise). I was not happy. Before I left to school, I had Windows Defender do an offline scan. I come home from school to no malware anywhere.That was really nice!
Hey everyone! Hope the rest of your Thanksgiving weekend went well. Today is Cyber Monday, the final day of great sales on pretty much anything, including Nancy Drew games! There are great deals at multiple sites such as Steam and the Her Interactive site. They are really cheap on Steam and all games are 50% off at Her Interactive. Great deals! Take advantage of them while you can.
Today was… interesting. Well, one part of it was. My dad is a part of a drop-in hockey thing that goes on locally. They had a tournament today in a town about 20 minutes away. There was about a minute left of the game when the goalie for our team almost let a goal in. I said (quite loudly, I might add) “That’s the worst goalie ever! He plays like he’s in practice mode.” My mom turned to me and leaned close. “His wife is sitting right next to us.”
THE IDEA OF THIS BLOG for me is to challenge myself to write something about Nancy Drew everyday (kind of inspired by the ASB). Often times, however, I’ll just ramble on about random topics, so don’t get too used to Nancy Drew.
December 2023