Page last updated: December 31, 2023
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At 3:34 PM Pacific Time, HeR Interactive shared a new video for Mystery of the Seven Keys highlighting some of the various Czech words that will be heard in the game. The following words appear in the video:
For the first time since May 26th, HeR Interactive updated the ND34 landing page. The icon changed from a finished hourglass to a checklist. This is meant to imply that Nancy will be checking off various things on her checklist before setting off for her mystery. The checklist features 3 items on the list to be checked off which is foreshadowing the puzzle reveal 2 days later.
At 3:34 PM Pacific Time, HeR Interactive published a post on Instagram informing followers that a new Amateur Sleuth Blog post just came out. This post contains weekend puzzle #378. The description of the post read Indy’s back with a weekend puzzle on the Amateur Sleuth Blog 🧩 Solve it to help Nancy learn about Prague and mark off her checklist! The graphics on the image are featured in the ASB post. The background is the café at the castle.
This image features Nancy's stationary that has been used for several months leading up to June 9th, 2023. There are 3 items listed in a checklist format: Brush up on Czech, Pack your bags, and Learn more about Prague. The first line item is checked off as it was completed with the video update from June 7th, 2023. This puzzle focuses on the third line item. The second line item will be unveiled next.
This file is called pirt.png which is an anagram for trip. |
This is a faux book created for the purposes of this puzzle. The book is titled A Detective's Guide to Prague. There is a note in the top right from Carson Drew which reads I think there was a printing error in the book. Some of the facts don't make any sense. -Dad. This note specifically refers to the puzzles on the second page. The first page explains some of what will occur in ND34 and somewhat explains the puzzles in the next page. Both pages feature out-of-order page numbers with the first page being labelled as page 8 and the second page being page 3. This is in reference to Nancy Drew: Diamond of Deceit which is one of 2 Nancy Drew books numbered as 83.
Page 2 features 5 fun facts with 3 of them scrambled up. When fully solved and completed, the 2 pages read (the bolded bullet points are the solved points): |
Fun Facts to Czech Out
An Introduction
Welcome to the captivating city of Prague, where every street holds the potential for intrigue and every corner conceals a captivating mystery. In "A Detective's Guide to Prague," we invite aspiring sleuths to discover the secrets of this enigmatic city while honing their investigation skills. Uncover hidden clues amidst the grandeur of Prague Castle, navigate the labyrinthine lanes of the Old Town, and decode the riddles embedded in its rich history.
With this guide as your trusted companion, embark on an unforgettable journey of exploration, unraveling the city's enigmas one step at a time. Before you pack your magnifying glass, learn more about this unique city and its proud citizens. |
A Detective's Guide to Prague
Fun Facts to Czech Out
Immerse yourself in the lesser-known stories that make Prague a city brimming with wonders and surprises.
HeR Interactive uploaded the third post in their checklist/Czech-list puzzle series at 1:34 PM Pacific Time. This puzzle revolved around packing Nancy's suitcase. The description of the post reads 💼 hElp naNcy get sOme iTeMs packEd fOr praguE! wHat’S she misSing? When the capital letters are rearranged, they spell see them soon implying that the items Nancy is taking will be revealed "soon." This first image contains a shot of the floor of the café environment with a suitcase on top. The suitcase features 3 stickers from the HeR Interactive merch store on Teespring. Nancy's to-do list has Learn more about Prague checked off and the new magnifying glass graphic is on top.
The second image contains three puzzles. The first two puzzles revolve around taking the names of the images seen and putting them together. The third puzzle uses the Wingdings typeface. The solutions for all three puzzles can be found below:
At 2:34 PM Pacific Time, HeR Interactive shared a brand-new video for Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys. This video is the final product of the checklist/Czech-list puzzles they've been releasing over the last few weeks.
The video starts off with showing off the camera feature in the game with real-time recorded footage. HeR Interactive displays how the camera works and functions. It shows off another view outside of the café. As a transition between each location, they show how the in-game location looks beside the real-life location. It helps display the amount of detail drawn from the real world. The next location was new and hadn't been shown before. It shows more NPCs sitting by a fountain. The third location features a blurred area which can be slightly seen in an unblurred state after the photo is taken. The final location shows the immense level of detail implemented in the Prague castle/St. Vitus Cathedral. Compared to the previous game, this environment highlights so many details providing the players with a much richer and immersive experience. At the end of the video, they highlight a lock picking puzzle. In the background of this clip is audio from the actual puzzle experience. There is a little bit of ambience and music heard, but not enough to ascertain where/when in the game it will take place. |
At 9:34 AM Pacific Time, HeR Interactive posted another puzzle, this time in the form of the "spot the difference" puzzle from Nancy Drew: The Shattered Medallion. The post's description reads 🧳 heLp nancy find an iTem for PragUe befOre everyThing startS Looking the samE… or dIfferent? 🤔 When the capitalized letters get rearranged, they read SPELL IT OUT.
The idea is to spot the differences across 4 versions of the same image. When a difference gets discovered, a line must be drawn connecting those differences and thus removing a letter from the quadrant dividers. However, in the case of this particular puzzle, HeR Interactive swapped things around so that the letters that intersect with the lines are the letters that must be used. The solution can be found below. |
All the differences between the 4 images converge over the following letters: LGASIIYGSGNMAFN which can be rearranged to spell MAGNIFYING GLASS. This answers the question in the description about what Nancy needs to find before leaving for Prague. All the remaining letters (RDESVSEBHOLRAT) have been confirmed not to be of use or contain any sort of meaning.
At 1:34 PM Pacific Time, HeR Interactive posted a new video showing off Nancy's new magnifying glass for Mystery of the Seven Keys. This video confirmed that the magnifying glass will be returning as the main cursor for ND34 and will be stylized like past cursors. The cursors for Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem were all white without any style or color, so HeR decided to respond to fan feedback and give the cursors a new makeover.
HeR Interactive updated the ND34 landing page once again. For the first time since April 13th, HeR also changed the color of the magnifying glass icon featured above the image carousel. For months, this icon was magenta which meant that the clue hadn't yet been finished. After posting the video on the magnifying glass, that meant that the final part of the clue had been revealed and they could change the color to gold.
One of the recent Amateur Sleuth Blog posts featured some downloadable wallpapers for Mystery of the Seven Keys. When clicked, this image sent readers to the ASB post with the wallpapers. You can also download them on the unofficial Mystery of the Seven Keys game page under the "Downloads" tab.
HeR Interactive announced the winners of the previous week's giveaway at 7:34 AM Pacific Time in the form of a video. There were 34 winners in the following order:
The description of this post reads 📝 these hangMan pages fRom j.j. were Hidden in nANcy’S bag, help FigurE It out for hER so She can contINue packinG for thE trip to pRague! 💼 The capitalized letters read MR HANS FEIERSINGER.
The first image features the next item on the checklist: Make room for souvenirs from Prague. |
The next image features the first hangman puzzle. Several letters have already been guessed: F, G, R, L, W, A, O, U, and N. By deduction, the solution to the puzzle reads WHAT BOOK DO YOU USE IN SAW AND VEN? The answer is a dictionary. This means that ND34 will include a dictionary and the ability to translate signs, articles, etc. The color of the paper in the background is light green.
The third image features the second hangman puzzle. Several letters have already been guessed: M, Z, Y, W, T, J, Q, T, and O. By deduction, the solution to the puzzle reads WHAT IS JACQUES FAVORITE WORD? JOURNAL! This implies that HeR will be adding Nancy's journal to the UI of ND34. The color of the paper in the background is light yellow.
The final image features the third hangman puzzle. Several letters have already been guessed: F, G, I, V, H, P, O, A, and W. By deduction, the solution to the puzzle reads YOU CAN TALK TO MY LAWYER MS. DREW. This image also features 2 assets from Nancy Drew: The Captive Curse (seen below). The postcard in the back has a tiny pretzel and a tiny German flag drawn on it. The piece of paper with the sun, moon, and comet feature some characters in Wingdings that read HANS. The color of the paper in the background is light red.
At 4:34 PM Pacific Time, HeR revealed 2 new parts of Mystery of the Seven Keys. The description of the video read 📓 New Journal features unlocked for Nancy's trip to Prague 🗣️ plus hear a message from the elusive Hans! Fans got to see concept art for the return of Nancy's journal. This new design harkens back to classic designs that are less digital. This journal will most likely act as the central hub for clues, notes, and other details the players will find in-game.
The other notable reveal is a voice line from Hans Feiersinger, a still rather unrevealed character. HeR has acknowledged his existence, his voice, and country of origin, but there hasn't yet been any mention as to whether or not he will be a physical character, or if he will only remain a phone contact. The music in this video was originally from Nancy Drew: The Captive Curse. |
HeR dropped the next puzzle on July 21st, 2023 at 1:34 PM Pacific Time which was in the style of the puzzle from Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island where players must enter coordinates into a GPS in order to unlock a new location. The description of the post read 🧭 cAn you solVe thEse Missing cooRdinates to heLp nAncy gEt to Prague? When rearranged, the capitalized letters in the description read MAP REVEAL. The graphic itself featured a GPS-style layout, railroad tracks, and Nancy's Magnifying glass.
To solve the puzzle, the following information must be found:
The final act for the day was to update the ND34 landing page. This involved changing the icon from a magenta checklist to a gold checklist signifying the end of the checklist updates. When they updated the page, they also ran into a plugin error which blocked their Instagram feed from showing up at the bottom of the page.
At 12:34 PM Pacific Time on July 25th, 2023, HeR revealed a new element of Mystery of the Seven Keys which will further expand the world and history of Prague. The new map feature allows players to explore the history and finer details of various locations around Prague that can be visited. The description of the video read 🗺️ Prepare to navigate your way through the next case in Prague as Nancy Drew! The music featured in this video originally was from Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger.
At 12:34 PM Pacific Time, HeR published a new video to their social media pages. This one made heavy references to The Hardy Boys: Treasure on the Tracks, which was (and still is) the only Hardy Boys game that HeR has made. This game was released in 2009 as a Nintendo DS exclusive. The music featured in this video comes from that game and displays several instances of captured gameplay. Prague, also known as Praha, was one of the several locations that the mystery took place in. Through the texts between the Hardy Boys and Nancy in this video, they briefly discuss it. Since Frank and Joe will be characters in ND34, it is implied through this video that Treasure on the Tracks will be brought up or referenced.
Two points of interest in this video are as follows:
At 10:34 AM Pacific Time, HeR shared a new behind-the-scenes video about ND34 showing off work-in-progress screenshots, team photos, and other cool ND34 things. The caption of the post reads 🙋 Send uS your questIons to learN morE aBout tHe proDuction of the nExt nanCy drEw gamE, mysTery of tHe seveN keys! 🗝️ The video is only 18 seconds long but is packed full of teasers and fun stuff.
At 3:34 PM Pacific Time, HeR Interactive uploaded the first part of the QnA with team members Brighella, Indy, and Roo about them and what they do at the company. The shed a little bit of light into their daily activities, but still remain pretty tight-lipped about so many details. There is no clear sense of when part 2 will be released, but Brighella has mentioned there is still tons of footage to sort into future episodes.
At 1:34 PM Pacific Time, HeR Interactive published a new Amateur Sleuth Blog post answering 34 more questions that fans had about the HeR team and ND34. You can read the blog post at this link:
The first graphic mentions the newly released video and blog posts which has been introducing some of the HeR team working on ND34 as well as answering several fan questions about the new game. This image links to the Amateur Sleuth Blog. The background of the image is a blurred out, un-revealed location in Mystery of the Seven Keys.
This second-to-last image features a few of the promotional reels that HeR has released for KEY's marketing. The background of this image is an un-blurred screenshot from inside of the Prague museum where Oskar can be found. This image conveniently doesn't give away any of the secrets within the game, but still shows off some more of the architectural work that's gone into the game.
At 9:34 AM Pacific Time, HeR Interactive uploaded a video starring Roo, one of the team members working on Mystery of the Seven Keys as she shared some of her favorite experiences and memories while working on the game. You can view the full video on the left.
HeR shared a new Amateur Sleuth Blog post at 12:34 PM Pacific Time featuring 7 more answers to the questions sent in by fans. These questions were answered by Roo and contained more insight into ND34. She also shared a few images from the recording sessions with Scott Carty (Ned Nickerson) and Ken Boynton (Carson Drew).
To follow along with part 1, HeR uploaded a second Q&A video with Indy, Brighella, and Roo at 2:34 PM Pacific Time on September 8th, 2023. The answers they provide gives fans a little more insight into who they are as people as well as more behind the scenes into the development of the game.
Indy took to the Amateur Sleuth Blog again at 4:07 PM Pacific Time on September 15th to share more insight into ND34 as well as the latest weekend puzzle. This puzzle came in 3 parts and the prizes for solving it were 3 exclusive videos that would be revealed in the coming week. Each puzzle had 1 graphic and the solution was a YouTube video URL ID tag which linked to 3 unlisted videos.
This first puzzle is super simple and requires the first letters of the first names of each character listed to make up the URL. With that information, the puzzle solution is mryyymSd_aI. When put at the end of the YouTube URL, the video leads here:
The second puzzle is a very simple letter shift cipher. Each letter needs to be shifted up one space in the alphabet. For instance, if the letter is B, it would actually be A. In this case, the letters are FQIFHbynlgh. Before being shifted, the letters read EPHEGaxmkfg which is the correct set of letters to be used in the YouTube URL. You can view the second video here:
The final puzzle needs to be reordered. Each nautical flag is associated with a number. In it's current order from left to right, top to bottom the numbers read as 1, 3, 4, 2 which means the order of the letters is FA_QTBnwiKK. However, when properly rearranged, the letters spell FA_iKKQTBnw which is the correct URL for the third and final video as part of the weekend puzzle. The video can be viewed here: This video also mentions that Nancy Drew book #83 was used as one of the inspiration books for ND34, however she wasn't clear about which series the book belongs to. There is #83 Nancy Drew: The Case of the Vanishing Veil and #83 The Nancy Drew Files: Diamond Deceit. The latter is more likely the book used for inspiration as it was visibly shown in the video posted on August 9th, 2023.
At 10:34 AM Pacific Time, HeR uploaded a re-edited version of the original "second chance" video. This one is longer and has a different intro and outro animatic.
At 11:34 AM Pacific Time, HeR uploaded a re-edited version of the original "voiceover" video. This one is longer and has a different intro and outro animatic.
At 9:34 AM Pacific Time, HeR uploaded a re-edited version of the original "bonus Q&A" video. This one is longer and has a different intro and outro animatic.
At 11:34 AM Pacific Time, HeR shared a brand-new Amateur Sleuth Blog post which further introduced Ghost and her thoughts on some of the happenings at HeR Interactive as well as who she is as a person. She also mentions that she's been working at HeR since March of 2020. You can read the full blog post here:
Also included in the post is an image of a scenario board used for KEY. The title of this image reads as gHoSt-asB-Kpn-sCENarIO-BOarD-imAgE.png with the letters HSBKCENIOBODAE being capitalized. Those letters can be rearranged to spell BEHIND BOOKCASE. The description of the social announcement reads in the spIrit of oCtober 👻 our eLusive ghost hAs been haunTing Your Most asked queStions! The letters ICLATYMS are capitalized and can be rearranged to spell MYSTICAL. |
On the morning of Friday, October 13th, Arglefumph posted a video on his YouTube channel saying that he recently got back from testing Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys in Washington state. He got to play the game for 7-8 hours until a certain point then he stopped. The video cuts off after 38 seconds. Originally, the full video he had filmed was about half an hour. HeR Interactive shared this on social media as part of their marketing plan for KEY.
A few hours later, Arglefumph went live and did a QnA about his time testing the game. He's under NDA so he wasn't able to share much more than is already publicly known, but there are a few key points to take note of. For instance, from his explanation it sounds like Ned Nickerson, Carson Drew, and the Hardy Boys are all phone characters and don't physically appear in the game. However, he didn't finish the game all the way through so they may still show up towards the end. The full stream is about 45 minutes.
The official newsletter from HeR Interactive started showing up in email inboxes at 9:34 AM Pacific Time. This newsletter introduced several new contests and highlighted the latest reveals from the company surrounding Mystery of the Seven Keys. The header of the email remains the same as previous newsletter with a change only in the month.
The next graphic features another close-up of a location from KEY. This is very similar to the tiled ground image used on September 22, 2022. All the content on this image is referring to the latest weekend puzzle reveals that were put together by Indy. The three videos are able to be seen above on this page.
For the first time since August 8th, HeR updated the ND34 game page. They added the official game logo to the top of the page to replace the original one. This new logo features an anagram in the title of the file. The jumbled letters are STROTEEKLGO. It is currently unconfirmed as to what they are meant to spell out. They also re-implemented the Instagram page feed to the bottom of the page.
The first graphic shared to social media introduces the weekend puzzle with a few images from the 2023 Nancy Drew convention. The description of the social post reads weekEnD puzzle Drop 👀 thIs oNe's for tHe 34! When rearranged, the capitalized letters read HIDDEN. This is a clue for the weekend puzzle.
This weekend puzzle is a drop-quote puzzle just like earlier puzzles HeR has used in ND34's marketing plan. When fully translated, the solution reads:
Koko Kringles are red Sonny's hair is blue Nancy drives a roadster Take a second look at the poster The poster in question is the one that was sent out as a giveaway prize to 34 winners. There is another hidden clue in the poster that went unnoticed by the winners when it first arrived. There are multiple silhouettes situated around the courtyard. These silhouettes are of the various characters that are in the game. Only 3 have been officially revealed and shown while the rest are yet to be discovered. |
At 3:34 PM Pacific Time, HeR announced the latest ASB post had been published. The post featured a recap of the first day at the Nancy Drew convention in Salem, MA. Indy breaks everything down in the post which can be read here: The background of this image features part of the giveaway poster art, however most of it is covered up with images and graphics. The description of the post reads inDy has much to sHare about her salem trip 🔎 and rOo gives a paW-some sneAk peek at the #nd34 fan poSter prize! The capitalized letters can be rearranged to spell SHADOW which is hinting at the silhouettes that can be viewed on the poster art.
Roo shared a watermarked version of the poster art on the post to allow fans who didn't receive a physical poster to look for clues. Despite the heavy usage of watermarks, they clearly left enough quite visible to discover hidden secrets. The dog featured on the poster is named Lilo and belongs to Nancy Drew fan @southernsleuth. Roo has been a voistrous fan of Lilo and chose to use her as part of the watermark.
There are 9 silhouettes visible on the poster: 8 humans and 1 animal. It is still unconfirmed if the animal is a dog or a cat. |
At 1:34 PM Pacific Time, HeR released a video thanking fans for 25 years of support and mysteries. The social post description read 🍂 our Beloved nancy drew coMmunity, gaMe 34 clues, & mashed potatOes 🙏 All thiNgs we arE thankful for thiS holiday seasOn! The capitalized letters can be rearranged to spell out MOONBEAMS.
Hidden in the video during the projector countdown sequence were 4 parts of an image visible for only a few frames. When compiled together, those 4 segments create the image seen below. This image is a new screenshot of the exhibit hall in the museum. Moonbeams can be seen coming through the windows which ties in with the hidden word in the description. |
The first graphic advertised the fall sale being held by HeR Interactive on all individual digital game downloads. The background image is from Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake and linked to the games shop page on HeR's website.
This graphic links to a brand-new holiday café mix video featuring new music from Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys. The video itself is 43 minutes and 34 seconds long. You can watch the video by clicking here.
To promote Mystery of the Seven Keys and HeR Interactive's 2023 Cookie Contest, Brighella cooked up her own cookies with various no-context hints about the 34th installment in the Nancy Drew series. This cookie was split into 4 quadrants, each featuring a different color: RED, YELLOW, BLACK, and WHITE. These colors are significant in unknown ways to Mystery of the Seven Keys.
Instead of baking physical cookies, Roo created 9 digital cookies featuring colors and icons significant to various things in Mystery of the Seven Keys. Not all the references are known at this time, however some connections have been drawn. The yellow cookie with the sweater on it is linked to Radek and the grey cookie with the sun on it is a reference to Elka. Both cookies refer to items of clothing those characters can be seen wearing in the game.
To end the year off, Indy created 3 cookie Christmas ornaments. Each ornament has significant ties to the mystery. The first cookie shows a magnifying glass and a question mark. It appears to represent a sort of latte art which would reference the coffee puzzle in the game. The second ornament features a key referencing the game's title and one of the keys in-game. The colors are not significant to this cookie. The third and final cookie features significant iconography and colors. The golden masks with yellow ribbons on a green background are referencing the theatrical aspect of the mystery which is still a very vague detail at this time.